Personal Stylist in yellow hat smiling

A bit more about me and my business!

My journey to becoming my own boss and helping women just like you discover how to look and feel great with conscious and considered style.

Personal stylist in leopard print dress and orange blazer

A career in fashion…

Before I made the leap into becoming a personal stylist, I was Styling Manager for high street giant New Look.

Here, I managed a team of stylists who used to build up to 600 outfits per week (!!) for New Look’s vast website, phew! It was fast-paced, fast-fashion, incredibly hard work and I LOVED it!

Surrounded by cheap, cheerful and on-trend clothes, I found myself able to buy something new every time I had a big meeting where I wanted to impress, or a night out with the girls, often not thinking about whether it REALLY suited me.

However, like everyone, I was becoming more and more aware of the effects of fast fashion on the environment and started to think twice before buying more cheap clothes.

I spent a fortune on cheap items that I wore once or twice, then relegated to the back of my bulging wardrobe!

Pregnant personal stylist in polka dot dress

Becoming a working mum

In 2017 I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. It was a magical time but so much changed!

My body, my time, my style - they all felt alien. Suddenly I had no time to think about myself. Clothes became functional and comfy. Could I breastfeed in them? Would they do for a muddy park? Would my mum-tum be covered?

And it was no better when I headed back to work. Getting myself ready was now super stressful especially with a wardrobe I hated, a body I didn’t know how to love, and a complete loss of confidence in my style - let alone a toddler in the mix!

My body, lifestyle and needs were so different now I was a mum. I had completely lost my confidence and I was struggling to understand what clothes flattered my new shape.

Leopard print dress and blazer outfit

My lightbulb moment!

While my own wardrobe became my nemesis, we were effortlessly putting together 600 outfits a week at work! How was it so easy there and not at home!?

I realised that our shoot styling wardrobe wasn’t just rails of clothes! It had been carefully selected and built from the bottom up with a defined structure. It was based on the Fashion Triangle with ‘layers’ of clothes in categories and it had the right balance of basics and staples and then new trend led pieces.

The more I thought about it, the clearer the process became for me - I just had to apply that same Fashion Triangle to my wardrobe!

Personal stylist in bright orange shirt

The Triangle Method

I decided to tackle my nemesis by removing all the old clothes that I no longer liked, then I rebuilt my wardrobe from the bottom up using this method.

My chaotic wardrobe suddenly had structure and balance so getting dressed in the morning was less stressful!

It turned out it wasn’t all about buying new clothes, but repurposing and reimagining what I already had!

It was a complete revelation for me and I knew that other mums and busy women like you would benefit. If you would like to know more, drop me a message!

Fashion Stylist wearing neutrals with a beige jacket and jeans

The Style Angle

During this time, I had taken a much-needed departure from New Look and started working as an online personal stylist with Stitch Fix. I loved it, but the service I was giving wasn’t as personalised as it needed to be. I knew I wanted to do more to help women like you to feel confident and discover their love for clothes again!

I decided to take the leap and retrain as a Personal Stylist at the London College of Style and since graduating I haven’t looked back.

I aim to provide you with expert fashion and styling advice in a friendly, affordable and approachable way; introduce you to sustainable style and bring the fun back!

If you’re ready to find #YourStyleYourAngle, get in touch, I’d love to help!