5 reasons to use a Personal Stylist

Girl on laptop wearing green shirt
  1. To find your own authentic style

Losing your style identity, or just being unsure of what your style is can be disheartening. Especially if you used to feel confident about what you wore! It is so common for women to go through this as we get older and go through changes. In fact, there are several factors that build up and create reasons for us to lose confidence and it's a Personal Stylist's job to step in and help rebuild that confidence - by giving style advice whilst making you feel comfortable and inspired. Part of the style advice is to ensure your style suits your lifestyle. For example, if you have a wardrobe full of office wear and going out clothes, yet your current lifestyle is much more casual, then this is something a Personal Stylist will help address! The most important job for a Personal Stylist is to get to know you and help you to create a style vision which feels totally right for you. It’s not about trends or what anyone else is wearing but wearing clothes which feel authentically you - and that is what will give you the biggest confidence boost.

2. To feel confident in your clothes

Have you ever experienced that feeling of disappointment when your clothes order arrives or you try something on in a fitting room and the image staring back at you is not what you imagined - you can’t work out why, but it just doesn’t look right? This feels so frustrating, I know. But perhaps that item is in a shape that doesn't show off your figure - not every shape fits everybody perfectly. Or it may just be down to a simple detail or even the colour. A Personal Stylist can help you discover what it is, which will help you to shop for clothes that make you love that image staring back at you, no matter what size or shape you are. Having this knowledge about what really suits you is a game-changer!

3. To have a streamlined (and hardworking) wardrobe

It’s so common to stare endlessly at a wardrobe full of clothes, whilst thinking ‘I have nothing to wear!’. It is also very common to grab the first thing that comes to hand. Can you imagine opening that wardrobe and feeling confident about what’s in there - excited even? Well, a Personal Stylist can help this become a reality. It’s our job during a Wardrobe Edit to remove the items that aren’t working so you can easily find the ones that do. The kind of detox which will make you feel more in control and create a sense of calm. Then the styles which are left will need to earn their place in your new capsule wardrobe by working hard for you, enabling you to create lots of outfits with them. Having this wardrobe will leave you feeling confident, empowered and ultimately make you look forward to getting dressed in the morning.

4. To take the stress out of shopping

If you find shopping overwhelming, a chore or you just never know what to buy, then this is where a Personal Stylist steps in! Whether they shop in-store or online for you, they will literally take the stress out of shopping. Why spend hours on the high street or scrolling online without an agenda, when a Personal Stylist can help? As an online Personal Stylist, I can source the right styles from any brand - often introducing you to new ones. Then this is where the ‘personal’ element comes in as not everyone wants to shop for the same thing and has the same style. So, by working on key factors including your style, your body shape and your budget; I can create a shopping basket you will be excited about!

5. To save you time and money!

Really, this is so true! You may think that booking a Personal Stylist is a bit ‘frivolous and fancy’ and yes it is a lovely treat - call it self-care. But there is more to it than just that! After working with a Personal Stylist, you won't then waste your time or money on panic-buy items which you’ll only wear once or items that don’t suit you then get discarded to the back of the wardrobe. Why? Well, you will have the knowledge and confidence to be able to make better and more considered purchases of styles that do suit you and make you feel good - I’d say that’s a win, win!